Thursday, March 12, 2009

Electronic Components

Modern world is very much dependent on electronics. Electronic are so common that we hardly notice. T.V, transistors, mobile phones and many others; these have been our necessity of our lives. Electronics are composed of small units like wires, LED, chips and similar kinds. These devices are said to be electronic components. Also, these components have reduced the stress and human labor. Electronic components are of many types, depending upon usability, and their functions. Since Electronics are multifarious functionalizing like T.V is for many more unending Purposes. Electronic components can be multi-shaped depending upon the space availability. Components are generally composed of metals. Different metal components are used for their distinct purposes like copper is used for good conduction of electricity and silicon is for semi conducting purposes. Diodes, resistors, capacitors, isolators, filaments, gauges are some of the foremost examples of electronic components. These distinct electronic components are known for their distinct purposes. Electronic Components like insulators are used for preventing electricity, resistors for resistance and much other usability. Mechanical accessories are also integral parts of Electronic Components. Accessories like fans, pads are also used up in large scale.

Capacitors and Resistors

Circuit Boards


Electronic Connectors

RF & Microwave Electronics

Phase Analyzers

Electronic Equipment

Electronic Coils





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